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Are You My Soul Mate?
By Dorothy Thompson

Editor's Summary: If you believe in the concept of soul mates and have not yet found him or her, read this article for advice and recognizing that sould mate when you meet him. If you do not believe in soul mates, you may change your mind after digesting the thoughts within.

I'm always dumbfounded when someone walks up to me and declares that they either have not found their soul mate or says, "There are no soul mates out there for me."

Obviously, they don't know how to look for the signs or how to read them once they do find them. There are millions, maybe even trillions, of people in the world who have soul mates, and there are clues within these soul mate relationships which could help you find yours. I am going to explain these clues so that you will find your soul mate(s), too.

Sign #1: Spiritual intuition

You see a nice looking fellow standing in line at the grocery store who has such spark and charisma and you wonder what it is about him that catches your attention. Is it his appearance? His charm? His funny way of cocking his head while conversing with the cashier?

You want to learn more about him. You have this pull towards him, yet you do nothing. You leaf through a magazine, appearing to be invisible, yet you yearn to walk right up to the stranger and introduce yourself. By the time you have found the nerve, he has checked out and is on his way to his car (and out of your life!).

What was that, you wonder?

That was one of your soul mates that you just let get away.

How do I know that?

Spiritual intuition is the number one sign to look for when confronting a possible soul mate. It is your innerself bonding with the spiritual insides of another. The bond is invisible, yet it lies deep within you and cannot be mistaken. It is that strong pull you feel towards another. Unfortunately, if you don't take action when this happens, you will let your possible soul mate get away and you will have destroyed what could have been a long, happy relationship.

Clue #2: Positive karma

Janice works long hours at the newspaper office after the breakup of her long eighteen-year marriage to Matt, an abusive alcoholic who didn't have anything better to do than knock Janice and their three kids around when he was on his drinking sprees.

To ease the pain, she works constantly, keeping her mind off her past and providing a comfortable living for her and her three children. She has succeeded in getting rid of the negativity in her life and is working on the positive.

Matt, a divorcee, also, can be found working alongside her most days, trying to make deadlines and shielding himself from the memories of his own troubled marriage.

Neither dates, but feels comfortable in maintaining a friendly relationship with one another in the safety of their work environment.

Is this a soul mate union bound to happen?

Both are emitting positive karma towards the other and, yes, a soul mate bond is, most definitely, in the future. This is an example of the karmic soul mate relationship. All signs look good towards it becoming more, but meanwhile what they have is one of the richest relationships you could ask for.

Friends-close friends-are one of the most important of the soul mate relationships out there. This is the bond that ties two perfectly ordinary people together with no strings attached. What other kind of relationship allows you to do what you want, when you want, with no questions asked?

Will this relationship turn into something more? It is very possible that, over time, once everyone has healed from past relationships, Janice and Matt will find out that being friends is the first requisite to finding lifelong commitment, if that is what they are both looking for. Only time will tell, but don't ignore these close relationships. They are necessary for your happiness, well-being, and your search for self-fulfillment.

Clue #3: Being in the right place at the right time

They say timing is everything and it couldn't be truer than for the soul mate relationship.

Melissa was a college student studying for her law degree, something she wanted more than life itself.

Jeff was a student at the same college aiming for a degree in anthropology that was taking too long to acquire, in his opinion, but he was determined he was going to have that piece of paper if it took a lifetime to acquire.

While both took classes at the same school, they would frequently find themselves at the same social functions and parties. While there was an evident spark whenever the two were around each other, both had their hearts set on their own goals of finishing college and starting with their career plans before settling into cozy relationships. In essence, they were still looking for their own self-fulfillment before they could be available to fulfill others.

Five years after Melissa graduated and was comfortably situated into her own practice, she had the surprise of her life when Jeff happened to walk into her law office asking for advice. Imagine his surprise when he found out this was the same Melissa that he had a secret crush on all those years!

I'm happy to report that Melissa and Jeff picked up right where they left off, as if time had never passed. Next June, there will be a formal wedding and a reception held at the same college where they both met.

Sometimes you have to remember that even though your potential soul mate might cross your path at some point in time, there may be extenuating circumstances which will prevent the union from happening, but when the time is right and everything falls into place, it will happen. Patience is a virtue and when the signs all point to go, nothing can be more fulfilling than the soul mate relationship.

Dorothy Thompson is a syndicated "soul mate" relationship columnist and compiler/editor/contributing author of the book, ROMANCING THE SOUL--TRUE STORIES OF SOUL MATES FROM AROUND THE WORLD AND BEYOND. She is also the author of the ebook, HOW TO FIND AND KEEP YOUR SOUL MATE. To visit her home on the web, visit

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About The Author

Robert's books have sold over 300 thousand copies worldwide, and have been translated into Chinese, French, German and Japanese.

He holds a Masters Degree in Applied Psychology, and has taught clinical and counselling psychology at the college level.

You can browse his Amazon Author page by clicking the graphic above.

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